UNZIPPED: An Autopsy of American Inequality is a searing exposé of the growing affordable housing crisis in America. This intimate feature documentary focuses on one of the country's most iconic and income...
A Mexican-American teenager dreams of graduating high school, when increased ICE raids in her community threaten to separate her family and force her to become the breadwinner for her family. . ...
What do a farmer in Kansas, a laid-off factory worker in Ohio, and an Uber driver in Florida have in common? All three are resourceful, positive thinkers who strive to adapt and...
In post-industrial Ohio, a Chinese billionaire opens a new factory in the husk of an abandoned General Motors plant.
For Ahkeem is a coming-of-age story against the backdrop of Ferguson. After a school fight lands 17-year old Daje Shelton in a court-supervised alternative high school, she's determined to turn things around...
Over 65 million people around the world have been forced from their homes to escape famine, climate change and war in the greatest human displacement since World War II. Human Flow, an...
The world generates about a billion tons of garbage a year. Those who live with it and from it are the poor – like the people of Cateura, Paraguay. And here they are...
VIRUNGA is the incredible true story of a group of brave people risking their lives to build a better future in a part of Africa the world's forgotten and a gripping expose of...
SOLD is a narrative, feature film adaptation of the globally acclaimed novel by Patricia McCormick. Based on true stories, SOLD, is the story of Lakshmi who journeys from a pastoral, rural village in...
49 million people in the U.S.—one in four children—don’t know where their next meal is coming from, despite our having the means to provide nutritious, affordable food for all Americans. Directors Kristi...
Living on One Dollar is a film and tool to help empower the extreme poor to take the first steps out of poverty. The film follows the story of four young friends who...
Inequality for All presents a powerful look at Robert Reich and his theories on the issue of the growing divide between America's rich and poor. Robert Reich is an economist, author, and educator...