Sandra de Castro Buffington is a pioneering force in entertainment for social change. As founding director of the UCLA Global Media Center for Social Impact (GMI) at the Fielding School of Public Health, Sandra infuses television, movies, music and new media with socially provocative storylines to improve health and well being worldwide.
DANA KLISANIN is passionate about using the arts, media, and technology to encourage people to recognize their essential interdependence with the natural world, each other, and their own divine essence. As an author, psychologist, and social entrepreneur, she is committed to creating, promoting, and assisting in the development of media that encourages people to live consciously.
A track record of bringing disruptive media and technology, groundbreaking content and innovative entertainment to large-scale global audiences via multi-platform delivery systems; a keen understanding of the relationship of technology and consumer behavior; a pioneer, entrepreneur and architect of early cable television, digital media, internet channel brands, interactive media, branded entertainment and the evolving multi-screen universe. (Often, pioneer means, “was there too early.”)
Russell Long was the Producer/Director of Room To Breathe, about troubled public middle school children learning mindfulness meditation (PBS World Channel, 2013), Executive Producer of the award-winning film Someplace With A Mountain, narrated by Chevy Chase, about the imminent displacement of Micronesians living on atolls due to sea-level rise (PBS affiliates, 2010), A Sheltered Sea about marine protected areas (PBS affiliates, 2009), Sweet Dreams about the women of Rwanda healing from genocide (HBO Films Producer Award, 2012), State of Control about Tibetan activists risking their lives to demand human rights from China (United Nations Association Film Festival, 2013), and Co-Executive Producer of The lsland President about former Maldives’ President Nasheed's efforts to stop global warming (Toronto Film Festival Audience Award, PBS, 2013). He was also a key funder for Semper Fi, a story about U.S. Marines who contracted cancer from toxic groundwater supplies at Camp Lejeune (PBS, 2011).
John Steiner is a networker, catalyst, creative consultant and occasional philanthropist - all with his wife and partner, Margo King. He has long been inspired by a Gregory Bateson phrase, “the pattern that connects” - bringing together people, projects, ideas, money and spirit around common themes.